Amanda Ryan, CMLC
4 min readJan 3, 2022


Let’s Celebrate the New Year Without Resolutions. Here’s why.

They say the New Year brings new beginnings and a chance for a fresh start. It’s a time when many of us vow to become better people and make significant changes in our lives. We try to squeeze in all we can into the remaining few weeks of 2020 or 2021, but by the time we get to January 1st, it’s clear we’ve fallen off the wagon. This year, I would like to propose something different. Forget the outdated resolutions — they’re gone and goals are in!

Wipe the Slate Clean

Wiping the slate clean is about getting rid of what no longer serves us and building something new in its place. It’s about taking responsibility for our lives and being active participants in the events that shape them. It’s about creating the kind of life that we really want to live, instead of settling for less.

It requires courage and commitment, but it can be done. In fact, millions of people around the world have done it — they’ve transformed their lives and found success where they once saw failure.*

There are plenty of reasons for starting over: You may want to quit your job or start a new career. Or you may want to move somewhere cheaper. Or you might have a simple desire to wipe the slate clean, so you can start fresh with a new life.

Whatever the case may be there is no better time than now!

A lot of us make big, vague resolutions we never quite get around to fulfilling. But that doesn’t have to be the case in the new year.



Amanda Ryan, CMLC

Heart failure patient & advocate, certified master life coach, & writer.